merger with malaysia lor,after all whats past is past...
think about it,we already sold Singapore out to this extent already,whats a little more going to do?Not machiam like 1 million more malaysians will dilute the "sinkaporean core".
doesnt have to be a total merger,dont need to fully integrate all that bullsh!t.just a marriage of convinence,friends with benefits.
just give singaporeans citizenship or pr to johor and we will share our country's economy and resources with them.
feasible boh?
think about it,we already sold Singapore out to this extent already,whats a little more going to do?Not machiam like 1 million more malaysians will dilute the "sinkaporean core".
doesnt have to be a total merger,dont need to fully integrate all that bullsh!t.just a marriage of convinence,friends with benefits.
just give singaporeans citizenship or pr to johor and we will share our country's economy and resources with them.
feasible boh?