I miss HK cha chan teng food and I missed this the most. Only way to have it without paying over-priced food at HK style cafes in malls is to cook it yourself.
Verdict: 7/10, a little bit too salty.
Should make my own chicken stock with chicken bones for my next attempt.
Soup mixture
1. 250ml chicken stock (I used ready-made ones from supermarket)
2. 250ml water
3. Campbell cream of chicken, 2 table-spoon.
1. Cook your macaroni and drain once done. (Don't overcook.)
2. Pour the chicken stock in a big bowl and mix 2 table-spoon of cream of chicken. Try to get rid as much clump as possible. Lastly, add in 250ml (or a cup) of water. Keep mixing.
3. Pour the soup mixture into a pot and boil. Once boiled, pour in the macaroni to fuse the soup into the macaroni.
4. Lastly, add in your ham of your liking and cook for few minutes.
5. Serve.