Currently, the holding fee of $2 per quarter very expensive for small time investors when the returns are not enough to cover the holding fee and they are unable to diversify by buying more counters because it's $2/counter/quarter. The only way to "diversify" now is to buy index etfs but not that is not everyone. Even CDP don't have such charges so why do we need to pay such holding fee?
Can ask the gahmen to make changes so Singaporeans can hold the shares in a special CDP account instead of paying bank the $2/counter/quarter? Or make changes to the fees so that we just pay a flat fee if we are using CPF-IS/SRS for investment (e.g. $8/year regardless number of counters as long as you hold a counter)?
Can ask the gahmen to make changes so Singaporeans can hold the shares in a special CDP account instead of paying bank the $2/counter/quarter? Or make changes to the fees so that we just pay a flat fee if we are using CPF-IS/SRS for investment (e.g. $8/year regardless number of counters as long as you hold a counter)?