You all know right? If for example u search for "used bra" in Carousell, 9999% of the carou-sellers never put their real photo as their avatar one, so you can never know whether the seller look chio or not. Worse still could be a guy also!
But limpeh just discovered that in Facebook Marketplace, straight away when you find any thing, can see clearly the chiobus face! Even can view their profiles and add friend too!!!
What a discovery!
I see this as a major win for FB marketplace over the vomit-inducing Carousell any day!
THANKS and good job FB!!! :love::love::love: Bye bye CarouHell!!!
But limpeh just discovered that in Facebook Marketplace, straight away when you find any thing, can see clearly the chiobus face! Even can view their profiles and add friend too!!!
What a discovery!
I see this as a major win for FB marketplace over the vomit-inducing Carousell any day!
THANKS and good job FB!!! :love::love::love: Bye bye CarouHell!!!