you tube 都有,可以拆小,我卖也亏Best Fitness Vertical Knee Raise Machine BFVK10考虑,谢谢,打扰 健身器要吗?可以引体向上,练腹肌,三头,新设计省位
买回来差不多一个月,要换器材,原价380现买卖330块,可以拆小,三年保修,一年上门修理。81014387 yen_135@msn.com承重200kg Multi-station functionality features pull-up bar, chin-up bar, vertical knee raise and parallel dip bars.Front and side knee raises for washboard abs.Chin-up bar for complete lat, shoulder and back development.Parallel dip bars for entire chest, bicep and tricep workout.Pull-up bar lets you choose a wide or narrow grip to build your back and arms.Built-in push-up handles for total chest and tricep development.Dimension: 81" x 37" x 26" (206cm x 94cm x 66cm) (Height x Length x Width)Warranty: 3 years warranty on frame; 1 year warranty on all other parts; 1 year on-site warranty. *If you are interested to view the product, SMS 81014387no delivery,can open small