Hey guys, I have around 20+ Moon cake (box of 8) to be ordered. (200% confirmation orders)
Starbucks have a discount if I could hit 40 boxes.
If you are interested to get a few boxes and hope to save money, please message me ....
Once I reach 40 boxes, I will place the order and we all will save $$$$$$$ :)
(We will save $10.95 a box !!! - If you need 10 boxes, you save $109.50 !!)
Usual Price : $43.80
25% - $32.85 <------ I am half way to reaching this 40 boxes requirements.
Before Sept 22 and I will make the collection at town area for the sake of convenience.
Details of the bulk purchases is on Starbucks website - Starbucks Singapore: Mid-Autumn Delights
Starbucks have a discount if I could hit 40 boxes.
If you are interested to get a few boxes and hope to save money, please message me ....
Once I reach 40 boxes, I will place the order and we all will save $$$$$$$ :)
(We will save $10.95 a box !!! - If you need 10 boxes, you save $109.50 !!)
Usual Price : $43.80
25% - $32.85 <------ I am half way to reaching this 40 boxes requirements.
Before Sept 22 and I will make the collection at town area for the sake of convenience.
Details of the bulk purchases is on Starbucks website - Starbucks Singapore: Mid-Autumn Delights